
“Leadership is not about being in charge. It’s about taking care of those in your charge.” - Simon Sinek

Leadership is the ability to inspire a community towards a common goal. A good leader fosters growth and aligns visions within a team. This genre blends the wisdom of historical leaders, psychology, communication, and organizational behavior. Various theories explain why people act the way they do. Leaders leverage this understanding to communicate effectively and teach an organization. These books challenge readers to think differently about power dynamics. It explains why leaders should lead with respect and empathy as opposed to authority. This genre offers invaluable resources that may assist in honing your leadership skills. One common theme found is that these books are not just about guiding, but also about personal growth. They showcase the need to learn, and evolve in various fast-paced scenarios.

By Maxwell, John C.
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By Ng, Gorick
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By Strauss, William, Howe, Neil
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By Lencioni, Patrick M.
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By Stanier, Michael Bungay
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By Goleman, Brandon
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By Grenny, Joseph, Patterson, Kerry, McMillan, Ron, Switzler, Al, Gregory, Emily
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By Ulrich, Dave
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By Argyris, Chris
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By Willink, Jocko, Babin, Leif
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By Pfeffer, Jeffery
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By Oshry, Barry
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By Sinek, Simon
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By Alfred Lansing
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By Block, Peter
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By Willink, Jocko, Babin, Leif
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By Frankl, Viktor E.
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By Gawande, Atul
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