
“The only thing I know is that I know nothing” - Socrates

Philosophy derives from the Greek word “philo,” which translates to “love, " while “sophia,” translates to “wisdom.” Therefore, the literal translation for philosophy is “love of wisdom.” Philosophy pushes thinkers toward the pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment. It is the search for a deeper understanding of life. Through this search, individuals contemplate the meaning of their ethics, morals, logic, and even existence. At its core, philosophy teaches critical thinking and fosters the ability to counter fallacies with logic. Philosophy also promotes questions about our existence and purpose in the world. It pushes thinkers to self-reflect on our own motives in life and how we may apply them.

By Aurelius, Marcus
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By Aristotle
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By Nagel, Thomas
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By Cahn, Steven M., Markie, Peter
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By Fyodor Dostoevsky
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By Russell, Bertrand
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By Chalmers, David J.
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By Nietzsche, Friedrich
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By Marmodoro, Anna, Mayr, Erasmus
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By Harris, Sam
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By Noam Chomsky, C.J. Polychroniou - editor
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By Machiavelli, Niccolò
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By Tolstoy, Leo
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By Stedman Jones, Gareth
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